



Shifreles portret 02:10

Liner Notes

Shifrele’s portret, to a poem by Mordechai Gebirtig, is probably Rauch’s best-known song today. A brokenhearted father longs for his daughter and speaks to a picture of her. He imagines her still filled with hope that they will see each other again: “The war won’t last much longer; I will soon come back to you.” He will not see her again.

By: Neil W. Levin



Poem: Mordechai Gebirtig
Sung in Yiddish

On the wall, left of my bed
Hangs my daughter Shifrele’s portrait.
Often, in the tired night,
When I long for her and think,
I see how she looks at me,
I hear how she speaks:

“Papa, I know you are sad.
The war won’t last much longer.
I will soon come back to you.
Spring is already knocking at the door.”
Smiling lovingly at me, it speaks—
Shifrele’s portrait.

Poem: Mordechai Gebirtig

af der vant, links fun mayn bet,
hengt mayn tokhter shifreles portret.
oft mol in der mit der nakht,
ven ikh benk nokh ir un trakht,
ze ikh vi zi kukt af mir,
her ikh vi zi redt…

tateshi! kh’veys s’iz dir bang,
s’vet der krig shoyn nit gedoyern lang,
kumen vel ikh bald tsu dir.
s’klapt der friling shoyn in tir.
shmeykhlt lib tsu mir un redt
shifreles portret…



Composer: Maurice Rauch

Length: 02:10
Genre: Art Song

Performers: Ida Rae Cahana, Soprano;  John Musto, Piano

Date Recorded: 12/01/2001
Venue: Lefrak Concert Hall/Colden Center for the Arts (D), Flushing, New York
Engineer: Lazarus, Tom
Assistant Engineer: Frost, David
Project Manager: Schwendener, Paul

Additional Credits:

Translation: Eliyahu Mishulovin


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