



Dos reyd funem novi 04:38

Liner Notes

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Poet: L. Magister [Leibush Lehrer] (1887–1965)

These are the Prophet’s words
To his people and to all people.
The heavens declare his word
The earth turns its ears to listen.

Comfort, be comforted my folk.
A light will spring from a desert stem
And ignite the thorny weeds,
And the golden sun will warm
The trees in the forest
And the fruits in the gardens
And the blossoms among the grass in the fields.

And one man greeting another will say:
Shalom, peace unto you.
And the other will reply:
Shalom, blessed be the peace.
And enemies will turn into friends
And friends will become comrades
And comrades brothers and sisters.

And we will tell our children tales:
There was a time when there
Were poor people in the world,
And the hungry begged for a scrap of bread.
And the ill ones passed away before their time.

And the blood of the innocent
was spilled over the earth.

Horrible tales we will tell,
But no one will believe them.
Thus let us carve out a remembrance
And build a monument for ever and ever.

Poet: L. Magister [Leibush Lehrer] (1887–1965)

dos zenen di reyd funem novi
tsu zayn folk un tsu ale felker.
der himl farnemnt zan vort
di erd efent oyf ire oyern:

treyst zikh, treyst zikh folk, mayn folk
a likht vet aroys shprotzn funem midbor shtam
un untsindn di vilde grozen fun di derenr,
un varemen di goldne zunen,
di beymer fun di velder un di frukhttn fun di gertner,
un di bliungen tsuvishn grozn in feld.

un eyn mentsh vet bagegenen a tsveytn un zogn:
sholem, fridn tsu dir.
un der tsveyter vet enfern:
sholem, gbenshet zol zayn der fridn.
un sonim veln vern fraynt,
un fraynt veln vern khaverim,
un khaverim shvester un brider.

un kinder vet men mayses dertseyln,
az amol, amol, orime zaynen geven af der velt,
un hungerike hobn glekhtst nokh a shtikl broyt.
un kranke zaynen oysgegangen far der tsayt.
un umshuldike blut is f
argosn gevron af der erd.

grolike mayses vet men dertseyln
ober keyner, keyner vet zey nisht gloybn.
to lomir oyskritsn a tseykhen
un oyfboyen a denkmol af eybik, af eybik.



Composer: Lazar Weiner

Length: 04:38
Genre: Art Song

Performers: Harold Orbach, Baritone;  Barry Snyder, Piano

Date Recorded: 12/01/1992
Venue: Kilbourn Hall/Eastman School of Music (F), University of Rochester, New York
Engineer: Dusman, David
Assistant Engineer: Michael Isaacson and Samuel Rosenbaum

Additional Credits:

Translations and Transliterations: Eliyahu Mishulovin
Preliminary preparations by Adam J. Levitin


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