



Di zun fargeyt in flamen 03:13

Liner Notes

Leo Low’s Di zun fargeyt in flamen (The Sun Sets, Aflame) is a setting of a poem by Yitzhak Katznelson, in which he suffers over his realization that his own sorrow will never be abated. Like the night, his heart seems black and mute. All personal hope has waned like the setting of the sun; but the sun and its light, unlike his dreams in life, will return.



Poem: Yitzhak Katzenelson
Sung in Yiddish

The sun sets aflame,
The sun can barely be seen,
So my hope wanes,
So my dream expires.
The night, the night is dark,
The night is mute and black;
So seems my sorrow.
So seems my heart.

World, you world, do not worry,
Soon your day will shine;
Only my sorrow is eternal,
Only my lament is eternal;
The night, the night is dark,
The night is mute and black;
So seems my sorrow.
So seems my heart.


Poem: Yitzhak Katzenelson

di zun fargeyt in flamen,
di zun men zet zi koym,
azoy fargeyt mayn hof’nung,
azoy farlebt mayn troym.
di nakht, di nakht iz finster,
di nakht iz shtum un shvarts;
azoy zet oys mayn troyer.
azoy zet oys mayn harts

velt, du velt, du zorg nit,
bald laykht uf dayn tog;
eybik nor iz mayn troyer,
eybik nor iz mayn klog;
di nakht, di nakht iz finster,
di nakht iz shtum un shvarts,
azoy zet oys mayn troyer,
azoy zet oys mayn harts.




Composer: Leo Low

Length: 03:13
Genre: Art Song

Performers: Re'ut Ben-Ze'ev, Soprano;  Raphael Frieder, Baritone;  John Musto, Piano

Date Recorded: 12/01/2001
Venue: Lefrak Concert Hall/Colden Center for the Arts (D), Flushing, New York
Engineer: Lazarus, Tom
Assistant Engineer: Frost, David
Project Manager: Schwendener, Paul

Additional Credits:

Translation: Eliyahu Mishulovin


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