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God, King, You occupy a throne built on mercy. Your deeds reflect Your loving-kindness. You forgive Your people's iniquities—putting each aside, one by one. You expand forgiveness for the sinner and pardon for the transgressor. Your righteousness extends to all creatures of flesh and spirit; You do not assign a full measure of punishment to those who err. God, You taught us that when in need of atonement, we are to recite Your thirteen attributes of mercy. Thus, today we ask You to remember us for our well-being. Remember: take note of Your covenant with us, which enumerates those thirteen attributes. You revealed all this to Your humble servant Moses centuries ago, as is recorded in Scripture: “And the Lord had descended in a cloud; He stood with Moses there and proclaimed the Lord's name. The Lord passed before Moses and said” …
Performers: Neil Levin, Conductor; Alberto Mizrahi, Tenor; New London Children's Choir; Schola Hebraeica
Publisher: Dale Lind
Translation: Rabbi Morton M. Leifman
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