



Jubilation 09:10

Liner Notes

 For more information about this work, see the Introduction to Volume 4.



Praise God all God's angels, praise God all God's hosts.
Praise God, sun and moon, praise God, all bright stars.
Praise God, highest heavens, and you waters that are above the heaves. 

Let them praise the name of God, for it was God who commanded that they be created.
God made them endure forever, establishing an order that shall never change.
Praise God, O you who are on earth, all sea monsters and ocean depths, fire and hail, snow and smoke, storm winds that execute God's dommand, all mountains and hills, all fruit trees and cedars, all wild and tamed beasts, creeping things and winged birds, all kings and people on the earth, all princes of the earth and its judges, youth and maidens alike, old and young together.
Let them praise the name of God, for the God's name, 
God alone is sublime;
God's splendor covers heavens and earth.
God has exalted the greatness of God's people
For the glory of all God's faithful ones,
Israel, the people clost to God.



Composer: Bonia Shur
Length: 09:10
Genre: Liturgical

Performers: Don Gurney, Conductor;  Hebrew Union College School of Sacred Music Choir;  Katy Stiler, Cantor


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