



Avinu malkenu 03:27

Liner Notes

 For more information about this work, see the Introduction to Volume 4.



Our Father, our King, hear our prayer,
Our Father, our King, we have sinned before You.
Our Father, our King, have mercy upon us and upon our children.
Our Father, our King, keep far from our country pestilence, war, and famine.
Our Father, our King, cause all hate and oppression to vanish from the earth.
Our Father, our King, inscribe us for blessing in the book of life.
Our Father, our King, grant unto us a year of happiness.



Composer: Max Janowski

Length: 03:27
Genre: Liturgical

Performers: Neil Levin, Conductor;  New York Cantorial ChoirMcNeil Robinson, Organ;  Elizabeth Shammash, Cantor

Date Recorded: 02/01/2001
Venue: Riverside Church (A), New York
Engineer: Robert Rapley (Recording), Dirk Sobotka (Editing)
Assistant Engineer: Nunes, Michelle
Assistant Engineer: Frost, David
Project Manager: Levin, Neil

Additional Credits:

 Publisher: Transcontinental


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