William Schuman’s “Judith”: How a Ballet Score Helped Save an Orchestra

William Schuman’s “Judith”: How a Ballet Score Helped Save an Orchestra

February 16, 2022

Like many of his contemporaries, composer William Schuman harbored a love for American jazz and popular music. In fact, before pursuing composition studies in his twenties, it is estimated that he wrote nearly 150 popular songs.

The Malavsky Sisters: In Their Own Words

The Malavsky Sisters: In Their Own Words

January 11, 2022

Cantor Samuel Malavsky was born in Russia in 1894. Like so many cantors of his generation, he learned the cantorial trade as a meshorer, or chorister. When he came to the U. S.

NOW PLAYING: The greats of Jewish music, in their own words

NOW PLAYING: The greats of Jewish music, in their own words

December 15, 2021

One of the founding goals of the Milken Archive was to document and preserve the music of the American Jewish Experience. As part of that, over 800 hours of oral history video interviews were recorded with some of the greatest artists of the 20th century.

Music, Menorahs & More Hanukkah Giveaway

Music, Menorahs & More Hanukkah Giveaway

November 11, 2021

It's hard to believe that Hannukah is only two weeks (and one Thanksgiving weekend) away! As the days get shorter here in North America, it's the perfect holiday to bring light back into our lives—literally and metaphorically—with family, candles and, of course, music.

A New Virtual Exhibit from Ofer Ben-Amots

A New Virtual Exhibit from Ofer Ben-Amots

October 28, 2021

Dear Milken Archive Visitor, When Milken Archive Curator Jeff Janeczko approached me with an offer to curate a virtual exhibit for the Milken Archive, I felt both pleased and terrified.

Historic High Holy Days Giveaway

Historic High Holy Days Giveaway

August 17, 2021

With the year winding down and Rosh Hashanah rapidly approaching, it's a time of reflection and inspiration. At the Milken Archive, it's also time for our annual High Holy Days Giveaway.

Holding Fast to Faith and Hope

Holding Fast to Faith and Hope

July 13, 2021

This Saturday, July 17th, is also the eighth day of the Hebrew month of Av. As Shabbat ends, a day of mourning—one of the most holy days of the year—begins.

REDISCOVER Ralph Shapey: Radical Traditionalist

REDISCOVER Ralph Shapey: Radical Traditionalist

June 10, 2021

If composer Ralph Shapey (1921–2002) was anything, he was a fighter—a disposition that may have been instilled in him at birth. Two weeks after he was born, he contracted double pneumonia and was not expected to live.

Martin Bookspan, the "Voice of Classical Music", Passes Away

Martin Bookspan, the "Voice of Classical Music", Passes Away

May 07, 2021

*Legendary Voice of “Live from Lincoln Center” Known for Encyclopedic Knowledge of Music * Martin Bookspan, the classical music expert and broadcaster who was the voice of “Live from Lincoln Center” for 30 years (from 1976-2006) has died.

 Creating New Jewish Music: Biblical Inspiration to Modern Musical Epic

Creating New Jewish Music: Biblical Inspiration to Modern Musical Epic

April 14, 2021

What does it take to create a new work of Jewish Music on a biblical scale? In the case of the oratorio, David's Quilt, it takes an intriguing idea, a diverse team of talented composers, a passionate lyricist, dozens of musicians and performers, and a few years of dedication to a...

Media Inquiries
Email: media@milkenarchive.org

Bonnie Somers
Senior Vice President, Communications
(310) 570-4770


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