Giving Away Songs of Peace, Joy and Light

November 28, 2017

Thanksgiving just passed here in the U.S. and Hanukkah is just two weeks away…which means it's time for our annual Good As Gelt Music Giveaway! We’re giving all our fans nine tracks (8 + 1 shammash) to brighten your festival of light, and add peace and joy to your family’s celebration.

Good as Gelt 

*This promotion has ended*


Good As Gelt 2017 free tracks:

  • Shalom Aleikhem by Sholom Kalib, from The Day of Rest
  • Psalm 148 by Leonard Bernstein
  • Eshet Hayil by Benzion Shenker (arranged by Stanley Sperber)
  • Fantasia by Hugo Weisgall, from A Garden Eastward
  • Psalm 100 by Jack Gottlieb, from Psalmistry
  • Into the Tomb of Ages Past by Alois Kaiser
  • Who Kindled These Lights? by Samuel Adler, from The Flames of Freedom
  • Ma’oz tzur by Aaron Miller (sung by Benzion Miller)
  • Hanukka Madrigal by Herbert Fromm

Everyone who enters will automatically receive all nine tracks for download as our way of saying Happy Hannukkah! Be sure to share this with your family and friends!

Media Inquiries

Bonnie Somers
Senior Vice President, Communications
(310) 570-4770


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