A New National Sound from Old Traditions — A New Virtual Exhibit

A New National Sound from Old Traditions — A New Virtual Exhibit

May 02, 2017

At the turn of the 20th century, Jewish people in the Russian Empire were dreaming of a national identity, along with a homeland and a compelling historical narrative to match. *DON'T MISS A BEAT* Get the latest updates from the Milken Archive, including articles and giveaways.

REDISCOVER Yehudi Wyner…and Our Passover Music Giveaway Returns

REDISCOVER Yehudi Wyner…and Our Passover Music Giveaway Returns

March 21, 2017

*Update: *Our Passover Giveaway promotion has ended. Yehudi Wyner is one of America’s most decorated composers. Among his more than 100 compositions for orchestra, chamber ensembles, chorus, and solo voices and instruments are several profound meditations on Jewish experience.

From Refuge to Renewal — A New Virtual Exhibit

From Refuge to Renewal — A New Virtual Exhibit

March 07, 2017

The first Jewish voices in the new world almost didn’t make it. As Sephardim, they were evicted from Spain and fled to Amsterdam, from which they later sailed to Brazil. Fearing a new Inquisition there, they fled once again to New Amsterdam in 1654.

REDISCOVER Jack Gottlieb: A Bernstein "Disciple"

REDISCOVER Jack Gottlieb: A Bernstein "Disciple"

February 22, 2017

Though Jack Gottlieb (1930–2011) was fascinated by music from a young age, his musical calling came later.

Radio Sefarad Interview with Curator Jeff Janeczko

Radio Sefarad Interview with Curator Jeff Janeczko

February 10, 2017

Radio Seferad's English Corner host Linda Jimenez was joined by our curator, Jeff Janeczko, to talk about the Milken Archive's founding, collections, and themes. Listen to the entire *20 minute interview here. *

Exploring the Intersection of Liturgy, Jazz Blues and Rock

Exploring the Intersection of Liturgy, Jazz Blues and Rock

February 07, 2017

In the 1960s, music was at the center of a massive cultural shift in America, led by young activists and artists, with prominent Jewish participants on both sides of the equation.

REDISCOVER: Instrumental Elegies of Memory

REDISCOVER: Instrumental Elegies of Memory

January 24, 2017

When composer Joelle Wallach stood atop the watchtower at the Birkenau death camp on a cool, rainy day, she looked out over the remnants of dilapidated smokestacks and perceived a “forest of chimneys.

A Preview of 2017 with Curator Jeff Janeczko

A Preview of 2017 with Curator Jeff Janeczko

January 10, 2017

2016 was a fulfilling year for the Milken Archive. We launched a new website, gave away over 10,000 tracks, and gained thousands of new fans. But it is not wise to dwell too much on the past.

A Hanukkah Full of Life and Light

A Hanukkah Full of Life and Light

December 21, 2016

Hanukkah begins Saturday evening, and ends on January 1st of next year! So we'd like to share two more items to brighten your holidays.

2016 Good as Gelt Jewish Music Giveaway

2016 Good as Gelt Jewish Music Giveaway

December 06, 2016

This Hanukkah, EVERYONE WINS nine (8+1) works of peace, freedom, and hope, sung by children's choirs from around the world. Enter by December 19th to get 9 tracks of music for peace, freedom and hope.

Media Inquiries
Email: media@milkenarchive.org

Bonnie Somers
Senior Vice President, Communications
(310) 570-4770


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